An integral part of Onco-Surgery is to provide real chance for cure of solid tumors. It enhances quality of life and improves overall survival. It plays an important role in diagnosis staging and treatment of cancer. Surgical techniques have evolved from extra radical to radical and now to more conservative approaches providing maximum function and less morbidity without compromising the Onco theraphy principles of surgeries
The intent of surgery may vary from patient to patient depending on the stage of the disease. About 60 per cent of cancer patients undergo surgery either alone or in combination with other treatments.
Our Department of Surgical Oncology aims to provide an array of surgeries for all solid cancers. The team is equipped to carry out complicated surgeries successfully after optimizing patient in collaboration with Radiation Oncologist, Anesthetist, Physician, Cardiologist, Radiologist, Physiotherapist and Dietician. This is to ensure that the patient's safety is not compromised intra-operative or post- operative.
KMC has state-of-the-art MODULAR OT's dedicated to Oncology.